Stephen Sanchez

8.23.24 | by Karla Pacheco

Stephen can’t talk right now, but The Troubadour Sanchez can take a message (or your girl).

If you’re anywhere online, you’ve definitely found your way to “Until I Found You,” a song that took lovers and influencers alike by the hand and has not easily let go. Luckily, now we have a full story and then some to accompany that swoon-worthy tune. Framed by now 17 other tracks, we hear the story of the one and only Troubadour Sanchez - a singer whose songs enchant the love of a mob boss, and how this leads to his unfortunate end.

With a truly impressive sound that falls somewhere between Elvis Presley and Enrique Guzmán, the deluxe version of the album “Angel Face” takes us along for a whirlwind romance of a ride. It has a nostalgic yet modern air to it that will have your head spinning and your heart pounding. Fortunately, we got to talk to Stephen Sanchez himself about what exactly was the meaning behind the music.

“With a concept album like this, how important is storytelling & where does it fall between the lyrics, melody, and personal experience?”

“Storytelling is so important to me. I find it to be really exciting to write from real stories that happened in my life and real feelings, and then to hide behind the character a little bit so it feels like it lessens the blow of vulnerability.”

—Stephen Sanchez

As an artist who’s always been very “heart on the sleeve,” the character of The Troubadour Sanchez allowed Stephen to talk about his personal experiences in a special, unique kind of way with a sound that matches the story. The intent is for this kind of creative writing to provide an outlet without the redundant cycle of love and heartbreak.

“Would you say it’s a 50/50 split between the character and your own personal experience?”

“It has to be. It keeps the music inspiring.

When I utilize music to get me through a personal thing, once I’m through it, the song isn’t as emotional but when I’m writing with a character in mind that’s telling the story through their lens… it’s just a bunch of metaphors to say what I don’t directly wanna say if I were to just be that guy to be like ‘ugh, I went through all this stuff just to win her heart over,’ you know?”

Stephen likens a breakup due to communication problems to a standoff against a mob boss antagonist and all his gangsters, stating it’s way cooler to just pretend we’re in the 50’s and this is how it’s actually going down. His mindset is that creating more lore makes it more fun for the listeners to connect to something as real and universal as heartache and longing.

For an album you’ll want to listen to from start to finish, I full-heartedly recommend Angel Face (Club Deluxe). It’s not every day I get to write a sentence like this, but this one is for the fans of Frankie Valli, Leo Dan, and Lana Del Rey. Individually, each song is stellar but as a collective, you are in for such a treat. It is the kind of vibe that you’re craving to see live because you know it’s going to live up to the hype. Personally, I already cannot wait for the next one!

The Troubadour Sanchez will return. In the meantime, let’s listen to the new details of his old tale. The Club Deluxe version of Angel Face features five (5) new songs for us to piece it all together.


Moy Cohen | 8.16.24